Honored to present some solo music as part of the Guitar Pickher Series curated by Jessica Ackerley. I don’t get to perform solo music very often and it is as scary as it is exciting! Watch out though, location has changed to Spectrum in the Navy Yards, Brooklyn.
Annie Chen’s CD Release Show
Very happy to be taking part in this wonderful project. Been performing with Annie for a little more than two years now and am really grateful to be a part of her musical journey, surrounded with such talented musicians! Album’s available directly on Annie’s bandcamp!
Welcome to the New Website
After a month and a half of touring in China last April and May and after a complicated summer in Switzerland because of my health, I was able to return to New York and start working again on various musical projects. Thanks for your visit, feel free to sign up for my (very occasional) newsletter and listen to some of my older music freshly uploaded on the new website!
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